This is the start a series of posts about the notes I made when I read the source code of popular open source projects. I myself learned a lot from digging into the code of open source projects. I hope it can help you too.
I will start with Loki, a log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus.
grafana/loki consists two components:
- Loki: the log aggregation system
- Promtail: the agent to collect logs and send to Loki
in a nutshell, loki and promtail is a service-client arhitecture. Both of them are written in Go. As we are reading the code for learning purpose, it’s better to read with questions in mind. Here are some of mine I would like to discuss in a couple of posts:
- How the loki server designed?
- Where and how loki stores data?
- How promtail collect logs and send to loki?
The loki backbone
It’s not too hard to find the entry point of loki server. It’s in cmd/loki/main.go
. The main
function is quite simple, it first read config file, initialize a loki instance then run.
Here is how a loki instance got initialized:
func New(cfg Config) (*Loki, error) {
loki := &Loki{
Cfg: cfg,
clientMetrics: storage.NewClientMetrics(),
deleteClientMetrics: deletion.NewDeleteRequestClientMetrics(prometheus.DefaultRegisterer),
Codec: queryrange.DefaultCodec,
if err := loki.setupModuleManager(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return loki, nil
what we can spot here is loki has a middleware system, and it has a module manager.
If we dig deeper, all middleware implements iterface
type Interface interface {
Wrap(http.Handler) http.Handler
So the Wrap method takes in a handler and returns a handler. So middlewares can be chained together to form a handler chain.
On the other hand, module manager under pkg/loki/loki.go is the place where loki register its modules. A module is a component that can be enabled or disabled. For example, loki has a module called queryfrontend
which is responsible for handling query requests.
The module struct is
// module is the basic building block of the application
type module struct {
// dependencies of this module
deps []string
// initFn for this module (can return nil)
initFn func() (services.Service, error)
// is this module user visible
userVisible bool
// is the module allowed to be selected as a target
targetable bool
Loki Run
Loki run method is under package/loki/loki.go#Run. Since loki has a modular manager which manages dozens of modules, each module you can config how to run by implemething initFn() method. so the structure of Run method looks clean. Here is what it does:
- Init service manager and async start services
- Start http server which btw uses gorilla/mux as router
- Start grpc server
Service manager
The service manager is a struct defined in the package of grafana/diskit it’s a kit for designing distributed system. At dskit/package/service/service.go you can find in the comments the digrame of service state
so services could be in one of the following states: new, starting, running, stopping, terminated, failed
This is how service manager initialized:
func NewManager(services ...Service) (*Manager, error) {
if len(services) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no services")
m := &Manager{
services: services,
byState: map[State][]Service{},
healthyCh: make(chan struct{}),
stoppedCh: make(chan struct{}),
for _, s := range services {
st := s.State()
if st != New {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected service state: %v", st)
m.byState[st] = append(m.byState[st], s)
for _, s := range services {
s.AddListener(newManagerServiceListener(m, s))
return m, nil
So the service manager would hold a map of services and their states. It also register listeners for executing callbacks when service state changes.
Loki wraps http server and grpc server in a struct called server
. The server also is registered as a service and managed by service manager.
You can find the server definition in the diskit package. it’s defined like
type Server struct {
cfg Config
handler SignalHandler
grpcListener net.Listener
httpListener net.Listener
grpchttpmux cmux.CMux
grpcOnHTTPListener net.Listener
GRPCOnHTTPServer *grpc.Server
HTTP *mux.Router
HTTPServer *http.Server
GRPC *grpc.Server
Log gokit_log.Logger
Registerer prometheus.Registerer
Gatherer prometheus.Gatherer
It worths noting that the server uses Gorrila/mux as http router, and it uses cmux to multiplex grpc and http on the same port.
In addition it offers intrumetion facilities by using prometheus.
(to be continued…)