I recently discovered GPT Researcher, an impressive project that’s revolutionizing how we conduct online research. Its ability to generate comprehensive reports quickly and cost-effectively caught my attention, so I decided to dive deeper into its inner workings. In this article, I’ll explore the architecture behind GPT Researcher, why it’s so fast, discuss considerations for deploying it as a service, and look at potential future developments.

1. How GPT Researcher Works: The Architecture

GPT Researcher employs a sophisticated multi-agent architecture that’s both efficient and effective. Here’s a breakdown of its key components:

  1. Planner Agent: This is the brain of the operation. It generates research questions based on the given task and later aggregates the collected information into a final report.

  2. Execution Agents: These are the workhorses that seek out relevant information for each research question generated by the planner.

  3. Crawler Agents: For each research question, these agents scrape online resources, gathering pertinent information.

  4. Summarization: After scraping, the system summarizes the content while keeping track of sources.

  5. Filtering and Aggregation: Finally, all summarized sources are filtered and combined into a comprehensive research report.

Here’s a simplified pseudo-code representation of the main research process:

class GPTResearcher:
    async def conduct_research(self):
        # Generate research questions
        questions = self.planner.generate_questions(self.query)
        # Conduct research for each question in parallel
        results = await asyncio.gather(*[self.execute_research(q) for q in questions])
        # Aggregate and filter results
        self.context = self.planner.aggregate_results(results)
    async def execute_research(self, question):
        # Scrape web sources
        raw_data = await self.crawler.scrape(question)
        # Summarize and extract relevant information
        summary = self.summarizer.process(raw_data)
        return summary

    async def write_report(self):
        return await self.planner.generate_report(self.context)

What’s particularly impressive is GPT Researcher’s hybrid research capability. It can combine information from both web sources and local documents, enhancing the depth and accuracy of its research:

async def conduct_hybrid_research(self, query, local_docs):
    web_results = await self.conduct_web_research(query)
    local_results = self.process_local_documents(local_docs)
    combined_results = self.merge_results(web_results, local_results)
    return self.generate_report(combined_results)

This hybrid approach allows GPT Researcher to leverage both up-to-date online information and specialized local knowledge, resulting in more comprehensive and accurate research reports.

2. Why GPT Researcher is Fast

GPT Researcher’s speed is one of its most impressive features. Here’s what I found out why it’s so quick:

  1. Parallelization: The system uses multiple execution agents that can process different research questions simultaneously. This is evident in the use of asyncio.gather() in the conduct_research method.

  2. Optimized LLM Usage: It cleverly combines gpt-4o-mini and gpt-4o models, balancing speed and cost:

class GPTResearcher:
    def __init__(self, query, report_type="research_report"):
        self.llm = OpenAI(temperature=0)  # Uses gpt-4o-mini by default
        self.llm_high_context = OpenAI(model="gpt-4o", temperature=0)  # 128K context
    async def conduct_research(self):
        # Use gpt-4o-mini for initial planning
        plan = await self.llm.agenerate(self.query)
        # Use gpt-4o for in-depth analysis when needed
        if requires_high_context(plan):
            analysis = await self.llm_high_context.agenerate(plan)
            analysis = await self.llm.agenerate(plan)
        # ... rest of the research process

This approach allows GPT Researcher to balance speed and capability, using the more powerful model only when necessary.

  1. Efficient Web Scraping: The crawler agents quickly scrape and process relevant information from online sources. The implementation likely uses asynchronous HTTP requests to fetch multiple sources concurrently.

  2. Streamlined Processing: The architecture is designed for efficient information flow, minimizing bottlenecks from question generation to final report creation.

  3. Hybrid Research Capabilities: By combining web sources with local documents, the system can quickly access and process relevant information from multiple sources, reducing the need for extensive web searches in some cases.

3. Considerations for Deploying GPT Researcher as a Service

I was able to run GPT researcher on my local machine with docker however I was wondering how I would run it as a service that can handle multiple concurrent requests. The key things I would need to consider are:

  1. Handling Time-Intensive Tasks: Each research task can take several minutes to complete. In a service environment, this necessitates an asynchronous processing approach. A message queue system, such as Amazon SQS, could be used to manage incoming requests and distribute them to worker processes.

  2. Scalability and Load Balancing: The service should be able to handle multiple concurrent research requests. This could be achieved through auto-scaling groups of worker processes that consume tasks from the message queue.

  3. Resource Management: GPT Researcher’s use of multiple LLM calls and web scraping can be resource-intensive. Careful management of computational resources and API rate limits would be crucial.

  4. Cost Optimization: While GPT Researcher is cost-effective for individual use, scaling it as a service requires careful consideration of operational costs, including API usage, compute resources, and data storage.

  5. User Management and Rate Limiting: Implementing user authentication and rate limiting would be necessary to manage resource usage and prevent abuse of the service.

  6. Error Handling and Reliability: Robust error handling, retry mechanisms, and monitoring would be essential to ensure the reliability of the service.

  7. Data Privacy and Security: Handling user queries and research data securely would be paramount, especially when dealing with sensitive research topics or proprietary local documents in hybrid research scenarios.

So it’s non trivial to run this as a service. but it would be benificial or even profitable if you can get the right balance between cost and speed.